বাংলা ছাত্রছাত্রীদের পাশে সারাক্ষণ

Higher Secondary Model Questions| ENGLISH |XI | Semester – I |Model Question

 Higher  Secondary 

 Model  Question 

Higher Secondary Model Questions


       Class – XI


           Prose, Model-5,

           LIVING WORLD

1. Choose the correct alternatives to answer the questions. 1×10=10


(1) The narrator’s tent was just-

(a) to the opposite of Swami’s tent

(b) beside the tent of Swami

(c) beside the tent of Tehsildar

(d) at the middle of the field

(ii) The pilgrimage to ‘Amarnath’ culminates on the day of-

(a) Poila Chaitra

(b) Poila Shravan

(c) Rakhibandhan

(d) Janmastami

(iii) Outside the cave of Amarnath, there was-

(a) Brahminic exploitation

(b) No Brahminic exploitation

(c) No discipline

(d) a crowd of beggars

(iv) “That was the ground of my fight”-The words to be put in the blank are-

(a) six years

(b) five years

(c) three years

(d) eight years

(v) When Vivekananda was asked to explain the image of Kali, he spoke of it as-

(a) the book of life

(b) the book of spirituality

(c) the book of experience

(d) the book of oneness with nature

(vi) At the age of eight Swamiji had developed the power of entering-

(a) Atmaupalabdhi

(b) Atonement

(c) Nirvana

(d) Samadhi

(vii) According to Swamiji, God manifests-

(a) through evil as well as through good

(b) through good only

(c) through evil only

(d) through good or evil

(viii) The astrologer wound a turban around his head which was-

(a) red coloured

(b) green coloured

(c) saffron coloured

(d) white coloured

(ix) The astrologer left his village-

(a) informing everyone

(b) telling his parents

(c) without telling anyone

(d) telling only his wife

(x) The stranger had gone away at night giving the astrologer-

(a) two or three coins

(b) a handful of coins

(c) a lot of coins

(d) nothing

   Poem        1×10=10

2. (i) All things in the city of London appear-

(a) bright and glittering

(b) dull

(c) cloudy

(d) dark

(ii) “And all that mighty heart is lying still”-‘mighty heart’ refers to-

(a) bridge

(b) river Thames

(c) city of London

(d) England

(iii) The poet personified the river, the Thames as-

(a) an old woman

(b) a masculine figure

(c) a feminine figure

(d) a neuter thing

(iv) What did the poet never feel before?

(a) a calm so deep

(b) a magical spell

(c) a delight

(d) a pain so deep

(v) What does ‘gyre’ mean in “The Second Coming?

(a) an ordinary motion

(b) stagnant

(c) a circular or spiral motion

(d) none of these

(vi) The title The Second Coming’ signifies the-

(a) return of Jesus Christ in future

(b) return of the poet in future

(c) return of the king in future

(d) all of these

(vii) What does the ‘falcon’ symbolize in the poem “The Second Coming?

(a) The Jews

(b) The English

(c) The Hindus

(d) The Christians

(viii) Sarojni Naidu is known as the Nightingale of-

(a) India

(b) England

(c) China

(d) Pakistan

(ix) The Bangle Sellers’ of Sarojni Naidu is included in-

(a) The Broken Wing

(b) The Golden Threshold

(c) The Bird of Time

(d) The Golden Treasure

(x) The rhyme scheme of each stanza of The Bangle Sellers’ is-





3. Choose the correct alternatives: (Tales from Shakespeare) 1×10=10

(1) Frederick disliked Orlando because he was the son of-

(a) Oliver

(b) The banished duke

(c) Sir Rowland de Boys

(d) Adam

(ii) The duke Frederick was completely changed by a-

(a) begger

(b) hermit

(c) monk

(d) priest

(iii) Rosalind teased Orlando by saying-

(a) I love you

(b) I hate you

(c) You are very fool

(d) If she would find the lover who had spoiled the bark, she would advise him

(iv) In the forest Rosalind and Celia meta-

(a) shepherd

(b) hermit

(c) teacher

(d) hunter

(v) Othelo was a/an

(a) Indian

(b) Canadian

(c) Moor

(d) Arabian

(vi) Brabantio was a-

(a) wealthy merchant

(b) rich senator

(b) rich peasant

(d) poor senator

(vii) The Turks had prepared to invade-

(a) Cyprus

(b) Africa

(c) France

(d) Venice

(viii) Iago was-

(a) good at heart

(b) learned

(c) very religious

(d) crafty

(ix) Among the horrible ingredients of the witches there was the gall of a-

(a) newt

(b) wolf

(c) dragon

(d) goat

(x) Lady Macbeth treated Ducan with her-

(a) smiles and charming etiquette

(b) rough attitude without camouflaging her treacherous purpose.

(c) indifferent attitude

(d) None of these

4. Textual Grammar 1x5=5

(i) Swami’s influence appeared to be magnetic-(Make it Complex)

(a) It was Swami’s influence that appeared to be magnetic

(b) Swami influenced others which was magnetic

(c) Swami’s influence appeared and it was magnetic

(d) Swami had influence which was magnetic

(ii) Make her listen to you, when you say it. (Change the Voice)

(a) Let you be listened to by her when it is said

(b) Let she be listened to by you when it is said

(c) Let her be listened to by you when it is said

(d) None of these

(iii) The other groaned. hearing it. (put the correct preposition)

(a) in

(b) at

(b) into

(d) on

(iv) Earth has not anything to show more fair. (change the Degree)

(a) Earth has given everything to show her the fairest

(b) Earth has not anything to show the fairest one

(c) Earth has lost everything to show her fair

(d) None of these

(v) Some are like fields of sunlit corn. The word sunlit is used as a-

(a) verb

(b) adjective

(c) adverb

(d) noun

5. Comprehension (Unseen)

Life without value education is like ship without rudder. Education without values or edification will fall short of achieving its goal. Mere teaching, learning, improving knowledge and skills without building character and mind may not contribute to the holistic development of children, which is a must for the world to become a better place. In spite of the increasing literacy rate and more people receiving education, the crime rate is refusing to come down!

The rise in crimes, violence and other destructive activities in the society can be ascribed to poor inculcation of values… Education policy makers need to lay more stress on education with much stress on imparting human values and edification. This will have better results than mere education. Once values are given priority in life, all the negative aspects of life will automatically evade. It is a dire need of the world to have people with high values to make it a better place to live in.

Read the passage given above to answer the questions offered below-tick the right option from the choices offered-


A. Education without values or edification will fall short of achieving its goal. (Turn into Complex)

(i) Education which does not offer values or edification will fall short of achieving its goal. 

(ii) Education without values and which does not give edification will fall short of achieving its goal.

(iii) Education with values or edification will fall short of achieving its goal.

(iv) None of the above.

B. The text is primarily based on-

(i) The aims of holistic education

(ii) The aims of physical education

(iii) The aims of value education

(iv) None of the above

C. It is a dire need of the world:

The synonym of dire in the text is:

(i) urgent

(ii) dreadful

(iii) grave

(iv) baseless

D. Once values are given priority in life. (Change the Voice)

(1) Once priority in life is given to values.

(ii) Once we give values priority in life.

(iii) Once we give priority to values in life.

(iv) None of the above

E. “Life without value education is like ship without rudder”-This is an example of-

(i) Metaphor

(ii) Simile

(iii) Oxymoron

(iv) None of the above

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